"I was told I could no have children anymore"
"I was told I could no have children anymore"
Léa, 33 years old

"I was told I would not be able to have children again"
In 2020, during my second pregnancy, I had what is called a blighted ovum (or anembryonic pregnancy). Medication was not enough to remove it and I had to have an aspiration. For the next few months I didn't have my periods. I told myself that this was normal, that it took time to come back after an aspiration. But after a few months I went to the gynaecologist anyway. He did a hysterosalpingography, which did not give any result, and a diagnostic hysteroscopy. This is how it was discovered that I had severe intrauterine adhesions. This gynaecologist expressed his concern for my obstetrical future, and told me that I would probably not be able to have any more children. He suggested that I undergo surgery to remove the intrauterine adhesions and use a hyaluronic acid gel after the operation to prevent them from forming again. He warned me, however, that every other time the gel didn't work and the intrauterine adhesions reformed anyway. I was desperate.
I started looking for other solutions. I wanted to be able to tell myself "I had tried everything". I found an article about a new medical device to prevent these intrauterine adhesions from forming. I saw that the company was based in Montpellier and, as I have family there, I thought I could easily go there if a clinical protocol allowing me to benefit from the device took place in a hospital in that region. I really wanted to benefit from this innovation. Then I made an appointment with Dr. Sroussi at the Lariboisière Hospital in Paris. He is an expert in the treatment of synechiae, and I needed a second opinion and to tell him about the Womed Leaf device.
Dr Sroussi confirmed the diagnosis of severe synechiae and operated me on January 20th. He inserted the Womed Leaf at the end of the surgery. Before the operation, I had very light periods; only a few drops of blood and pain at the time of menstruation. After 1 month my periods came back. Since the operation I have had 2 cycles of 28 days, the periods have returned as before.
At the 4 week check-up hysteroscopy, Dr. Sroussi told me that my cavity was perfect and that I could have a spontaneous pregnancy. I was so happy and moved.
The following month, I was delighted to discover that I was pregnant! The pregnancy went well and on December 7th I gave birth, without any complications, to a healthy baby girl, Albane. I am very grateful to Dr. Sroussi for the opportunity to have this innovative device.